Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

About My Home Town (tentang daerah asal saya)


LOMBOK ISLAND… if you hear about Lombok Island what your imagine first about that island ?. Actualy you describe the beautiful shores. In Lombok (not chili-,-) you can get so many amazing  shore, not only shore or beach you will get,but also  the others panorama, like mounth, lake, woods but not like wild woods, and ect. The original people Lombok usually call Sasak poeple. Sasak is the name of race in Lombok.  By The Way about culture, in Lombok so many culture you can know. Like Nyongkolan, presean, bau nyale, and ect. The first “Nyongkolan”, nyongkolan is the celebration for couple has married while accompanied familly neighbor and their friend. and actually the celebrate accompanied by musical traditional, and the name is Gendang Belek. Next, “Presean”, it’s a culture special for men , because presean same with fight man vs man. but the difference presean use sword/stick and shield. But presean only culture in Lombok for just we know and don’t try in the any place, JUST FOR CULTURE. After that, “Bau Nyale”, it’s a activity for catch worm sea, usually the worm sea will turn up when the certain. The History about Bau Nyali start from a  princes in a kingdom that so beautiful and make all people include the kings around the kingdom and they want to propose the king’s daughter is but happened a commotion and the king’s  daughter decide to throw themselve  into the sea and appeared worms, and the worms name are nyale. In Lombok island any traditional food and special food . For traditional any the name “Plecing”. Plecing is a food from vegetable like leafy vegetable,tauge,coconut grater fuel. And plecing have sambal or sauce is spiced.And for special food any “Ayam taliwang”(Taliwang Chiken).Taliwang Chiken is so specially with sauce sambal so hot and spiced, and if you’re so like hot you must tasted this. The hallmark of Lombok is ONE THOUSAND MOSQUE ISLAND. And of course so  many amazing panorama.

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